Friday, December 26, 2008


Well so much for the left wing media, and MSNBC being a Democraric party outlet. For almost eight years George W. Bush, or more accurately, Don Rumsfeld, John Aschcroft etc., have subverted our Constitution, not taken care of the VA, or our many brave wounded veterans from Iraq (another Viet Nam) afe neglected, and we've understaffed and under supplied our brave troops in Afghanistan - where the real battle is to be won. We need at this time of the year to remember we can not win - without winnig the Hearts and Minds of our adversaries. We elect a man who understands this - and what do we do, complain because he made suggestions for his replacement in Illinois to a Governor who seems to be a throwback to every back room deal maker both parties have always made. If we are going to nitpick details where there is no substance, than we must clean both the Senate and the House of every person who has some dealing with a lobbyist to get themselves elected - that's everyone folks. Campaign finance reform, ethics reform, will come when the American public gets angry enough. But let's pick proper targets!
The VA - NBC - go for it, ABC listen up - and Fox please protect our troops. Dr. Phil gets it! Great show. As Barry Goldwater once said, if we're not going to fight to win - get out. My take is, if we're can't feed, arm, protect within reason, and set proper goals, and treat our wounded with due respect and care - then end the wars NOW.
Nitpik Pakistani and Saudi Arabian diversions from help on the terroist front.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Eli Stone - Boston Legal, next Life on Mars?

I personally volunteer to take over programming at ABC - all I want is to re-program Prime time. Somebody is letting some of the most creative shows EVER to die.
Stick these shows over on ABC family at 10 PM.
Whoever chooses these shows in the first first place is to be commended.

Other shows from various networks - Jehrico, Stargate Atlantis, The 4400, etc. have just been killed off.

This is not about ratings, or a generational change - I'm 63 and my generation really screwed up on many fine shows. (But we generally gave them time - not Star Trek, that just took on a life of its own after NBC crushed it - but the fans did not let it die.

So what will occur - well Elvis Presley 30 #1 hits has been repackaged in the new SD format - strange idea when SD cards are so cheap now- but RCA Special Porudcts keeps pushing Elvis...I love El, but he's been gone since 1977.
If the record companies, or Elvis, had listened to an idiot at the Grand Ole Opry our world in music, film, civil rights, Gospel music etc. would be much different.
All I ask is tolerance - put these great shows in different time slots - if you don't want to air them - shoot them as a new format DVD - SDHC Card, but include adverting targeted at audiences that will be sold in multiple markets, with ads for specific markets.
Run Eli Stone online - convergence is coming full tilt anyway. ABC is pushing standard TV over the edge. Convergence with make the Web 2 defcto television. Then Google can track every viewer (if allowed), and TV is dead.
Art should survive - the networks will blend into the Internet after February - and we have a new ballgame in let's say 5 years.
Save Eli Stone. And let Life on Mars find an audience or I'll sic Harvey Keitel on your offices.

Boston Legal

By Denny and Alan. Have a happy marriage. You shall be missed, this level of intelligence in Primetime network TV is so very rare.
The talent of this cast just leaves me speechless...almost, thank you all!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Auto Bailout

As much as I dislike the executives at GM - I am more exasperated by the bailout of AIG etc. - with not a bit of explanation that the car makers had to go into - and the UAW, got beaten up again, most of these fine workers are not paid an amout that would push them out of the middle class. (And they are made to make concessions.) I have blue collar friends of mine beating up the UAW, have the union made errors, sure, ask some of the workers, without unions sweat shops would be back. I could go on about how some major non-union firms treat their employees, but I have Republicans friends boycotting them.
As I've said before go to and read the post that Penny put up from Al Feldstein - I'd nationalize the industry myself, and do just what Al says.

Brenden Foster - a GIFT to us all!

I agree with my friend Penny Ronning on Brenden. Please go to
and please listen to Penny, you world will change! Don't take that as hyperbole - just read and ingest her spirit.
When I saw Brenden speak I was amazed by the depth that this young man had.
We live in an era when "Shock and awe" is used to describe a mission in a war.
Brenden shocked me, and I am in awe of him. What a loss, but what an insight into what might be going on here - this was an old, wise soul - trapped in an ill body of a gentle boy. God had a special purpose for this child. Religions outside the Judeo-Chrstian, and Islamic traditions have views on reincarnation.
Physicists are discovering that there may well be parallel universes.
I remember a 7 year old child dying of cancer many years back, I was watching her and my Uncle Jack, 89, both fighting and losing their battles with cancer in the hospital. Both showed amazing grace and understanding.
Well all neeed to understand - there must be peace and understanding one day.
Start today! Love to all - Dale

Monday, October 13, 2008

Time to Change Course

I've been involved in politics since 1956 as a vounteer (handing out literature at 11 years old on a street corner), assistant campaign co-ordinator, poll worker, and other positions in the Democratic Party in both New Jersey and Florida.
I am dismayed by the turn this campaign has taken in tone. Senator McCain has very wisely defended Senator Obama in recent days - this is the John McCain, my fellow officer from the Viet Nam era, that I always respected. He really isa maverick and for many years stood up to element of his party he didn't agree with, and did work with many notable democrats to acheive his goals. All well and good.
Today we get Gov. Palin and a terrible hatchet job on Sen. Obama. The "swift boat" lie machine is going full tilt. Enough.
Vote for Senator Barck Obama and Sen. Joe Biden.
Filter out the lies and vote.
I ask you - is there a choice? Thank you!

Captain Dale R. Shack
US Army, Retired
Silver Star, Bronze Star and Purple Heart

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bob Hartlen

Bob Hartlen is a man in Nova Scotia who has brought so many families together, that were split apart at birth at the Ideal Maternity Home in East Chester , Nova Scotia. These innocent women who came to put their children up for adoption the this center never knew that they we're being pulled into the Butterbox Baby scandal. Many, many babies dies for many arbitrary reasons.
I am a survivor of this horror and Bob Hartlen has helped me reunite with my birth family by connecting me with leads and ideas to make my wish come true. Due to his efforts, and the helping hand of my dear friend Jesse Hammer I was reunited with my birth mother and that side of my family.
I bring this up as Bob has been ill for awhile (he just got a good test result), thank god.
Bob does so much to honor the survivors, reunite families, it is truly remarkable how he can endure the emotional roller coaster. When I worked with him a few years back on my story of reuniting with my family, I got to really understand the pain some of mt fellow adoptees had been through.
Google "Butterbox Babies" and you will be able to see the work he has done.
I have a friend that I recently called a workaholic angel, Bob is another one of these people among us that have worked so hard for others.
Say a prayer for Bob hartlen, but just as important "Carpe Diem" - "Sieze the Day" - live like there is no tomorrow, help those who can't help themselves, relieve pain wherever possible. Think globally, act locally - and smile through these times of strain.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Seven words

Dear George,
These are the 7 words I never wanted to hear on TV -
George Carlin has died at seventy one.

While in college one of my drama professors started a class by just yelling out the word -f**k!
This was 1966 and the class was in shock, I had a smirk on my face. The power of language, the more we overuse a word or phrase the more we reduce it's power. George Carlin was a part of our comic and philosophical American fabric. He will be missed greatly. Sheer genius. Go back and listen - carefully.
Sorry I edited a word, but words still seem to scare people, amke them categorize you. diminish people's view of you (even when used to make a great point)...I think my edit makes Mr. carlin's point.

My regards to fellow fans and my sincere condolences to the family.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Lillian's Story - Part One

June 3, 1911 - Lillian Goldstein was born.
My mother who adopted me when I was 6 months old and brought me to the United States from Nova Scotia, Canada in 1946.
Louis Goldstein was a tough father for her to deal with, he was abusive to his wife Dora, a strong, but gentle woman. He hit her at times. Usually Jewish men would not do this, if they did it was never mentioned. As mom got older she told me about this side of my grandfather. There was a lingering bitterness between my mother and grandfather. Dora passed away when I was very young.
Before I was adopted a pattern of sadness started early on for Lil, toughening her up, and making her independent and a leader, in a time where this was very hard for women.
Besides seeing her father being abusive, her younger brother Sol passed away at 16 from pneumonia. This took a hard emotional toll on her. She still had her younger brother Jack, a tall handsome man. Lil was a beautiful woman. (Strawberry blonde with freckles).
In Central High School in Newark, NJ. she formed a sorority with a group of women that would later become a huge influence in my life - god love them all and may they rest in peace. For most of the time I knew the sorority sisters, she was either President of the group, or oranized the sorority functions. She was a born leader. Lil went on after high school to attend Drake Business College, I have her diploma from her graduation, of which she was so proud. She became an Executive Secretary for Dorn and Kirschner Music, in Newark, NJ. Another big influence in my life, her love of music and dancing. (I got force fed dance lessons with my mothers before my Bar Mitzvah. It was sort of fun). I grew up exposed to a great variety of musical styles. My mother also got involved in social causes of the times, I saw pictures of her and her sorority sisters visiting with poor black families in the late 30's. She always tried to help those she felt were mistreated, or with some disability. All her life she gave to charities and worked for charities. She was a very Liberal Democrat and made sure I knew how one should give back and help those who needed help.

At 18 Lil was told that if she didn't quit smoking she could die. I don't know all the details, but she quit, but was still quite ill. She had to have a hysterectomy and of course was unable to have children. A hard blow to endure for anyone.
Lil married Harry Shack, and became a part of a family with more women, Harry was the baby of the family and the only boy. His sisters would become another major influence in my life.
Aunt Katy (my Godmother - always pinched my cheek and hugged and kissed me), Aunt Sarah - warmth and wisom, I spent a lot of time with her - always there to help, Aunt Clara (sweet to me, encouraged me), Aunt Rose (warm, always friedly, I didn't spend as much time with her.
Here's the rub. Lil and Harry could not have children and it was hard to adopt in 1945. Lil and Harry went to Nova Scotia, Canada to arrange for my adoption from the Ideal Maternity Home.
I don't know what they actually had to pay - but it ranged from $5,000 to $10,000. I had Strawberry Blonde hair and frekles, I looked just like Lil, (and I also look like my birth mother).
I had Chiken Pox and had to wait until I got better before I could come to the US. I was very lucky tat Lillian came and got me, for I was a Butterbox Baby, and easily could have been left to die if I hadn't been a cute baby that was wanted by an American. (Please see list of links below for more info on the Butterbox Babies. This had been documented in at least 4 books, and one feature film.) Please read this as it will give you an great insight into the Right to Choose/Pro-Life debate. (There is NO right or wrong, there's horror and fear on both sides of the issue. I am Pro-Choice, only because it's not my body, my life or my business to tell any woman to make that decision. Personally, if Abortion were legal at the time I was born, I might not be here. Lil and Fran, my mothers, thanks to you both for your wisdom and thought. The violence over this issue must end, most angry arguments either way are spurious, it is a very hard personal issue. Kindness, thought, and guidance from caring people is needed. I am pro-adoption and would hope women would choose this option, but I do not want the government to legislate this. This is where good religious leaders in each faith should focus their efforts, birth control does not need medication, but it is always there as an option. Guidance and thought, contemplation. There is help out there, there are Lillian's waiting to ameliorate their own pain and help young women with their fear and pain. No it isn't easy at any level.

In Memorium again - TooYoung - goodbye Tim

I just watched a video that my friend Penny Ronning posted on her site, see below - go visit - it is about the unadulterated, outright, outrageous, undignified, uncalled for, superemely sexist campaign that Senator Hillary Clinton has had to endure. Michelle Obama has also been treated in a similar maner. Shame on all of you, both men and for Gods' sake women. Are you women too ignorant to realize that you are defeating your own future by a woman treating another woman as chattel, meat or a commodity rather than intelligent beings that have changed the world for the better. A quick aside - how many of you know that nuclear fission was proven to exist and work by a woman, when asked to help develop the atomic bomb she refused. (Watch the PBS special on Einstein's life and theories. Many very important women are discussed in detail. It is a revelation. A Jewish German woman changed the world and was treated horribly, in fear for her life, and not treated with respect by her colleauges. I apologize for not remembering her name, but I will watch the special again, order the DVD, and show my daughter what some women did to try and save the world.)

Chris Matthews go suck an egg and while you're at it, eat it raw, get Salmonella poisoning and feel some of the pain you have casually foisted upon women as a group. If I were Senator Clinton I could not be as gracious as to let you get away with your many sexist comments. YOU ARE NOT FUNNY! And I'm someone that used to enjoy your commentaries. Don't you realize what effect comments like these have on a campaign. Your dredging up every stereotype you could meekly and inepty bring up does effect the vote. Shamefully true.
Senator Clinton made an error in timing, and also trying to play a "mans' " game early on in the campaign. If she had been the real Hillary from day one and let the people see her as she really is through the whole campaign, Senator Obama, as good a person and candidate as he might be, could not have beaten Senator Clinton. What a geat loss we have just suffered.

On suffering a loss, I looked carefully to see if Tim Russert had beaten up on Hillary Clinton in a sexist way, the only spot I saw was Tim laughing at something Chris Matthews said. We will miss Tim Russert greatly. He was fair and tough on everyone. I heard someone say that he really questioned how some of our politicians got to where they are, they were so inept. I heard him described as a Ronald Reagan Democrat. (Ronald Reagan cut his political teeth on the side of FDR, as did LBJ. They really tried to appeal to the average American, and do what they though was good for the people - I didn't always agree with them, but they were hardcore true believers that government could make a difference.) I think Tim Russert cared so deeply for the American people he really tried to be neutral and fair, he just wanted answers to questions to be addresed with some modicum of intelligence. I will miss him, and America will notice our loss.
We need more journalists of this quality - not the garbage that has been spewed against Hillary Clinton by other psuedo-journalists. Rest in Peace Tim, you will be missed. I remember when you knew Hillary could not win, but you were fair - that's all I ask, fairness and decency. Anyone who worked in NY with the great politicians you trained with could ever ask why you were so incisive and demanding for honest answers from everyone. Thank you so much.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Robert Kennedy

Robert Kennedy - a very consevative beginning led to a great philosophical transformation. He wanted to modify welfare the way Preisdent Clinton viewed wellfare. Motivate. He wanted to unite us as we need uniting now.
God let him rest in peace. Thanks to his relatives that supported Senator Hillary Clinton.
Let's mend our wounds, join together, end this war - I could have written this in 1968 just as I had entered the US Army and got ready to go to Viet Nam in 1969. Listen to our history.
Help Afghanistan, let Iraq solve their problems - help them help themselves, I've got friends there now trying to do just that.
Senator Obama - good luck, make good choices, work closely with Senator Clinton and you can change America. A joint ticket is unbeatable.
Since we will win - lead wisely.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

In Memoriam

My mother who raised me after adopting me as a baby, Lillian Goldstein Shack Schulman, would have celebrated her birthday today. (She passed away from her third bout with cancer in 1992).
May she rest in peace. If she were here to see what went on today she would have gone ballistic with the media. Senator Clinton, you deserved the win. Senator Obama, choose wisley and rebuild our party.
I've never seen such a last minute attack on a candidate before the polls had closed in the last two Primary states, South Dakota, and Montana.
This needs to be looked at, where is this evolving from.
Leave Bill Clinton alone already Vanity Fair (unfair). It's his private life, let him deal with Senator Clinton if there is an issue. If you live in glass houses in New York excpect rocks to be thrown at you. Enough... Let us look at the private life of every editor and writer at Vanity Fair - should be fun.
What a sleazy and unDemocratic society we are becoming. Disenfranchising so many voters, Michigan is too weird for description - was Hillary set up - perhaps, people came out to vote!.
Reform now. Now is the time for women to speak out loudy like my mother would have.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Senator Edward Kennedy

Rest well and recover quickly. No family has lost so much and given more to their country. No matter what your political or philsophical views may be, or how you may judge him, Ted Kenndy has given more than he ever got from this country. I have my personal views of the things that have happened to the Kennedy family - someday the truth will be shown on each incident.
For now his legacy is one that needs to be continued, get well soon. The bipartisan spirit shown today is to be commended. Let's see more of this every day.
In that spirit I was saddened to see Senator Arlen Spector having to fight cancer again - my best to a Senator who has searched for truth so often, especially with regard to President Kennedy - his search for truth is commendable.
These men are civil servants that have not been afraid to speak their minds and help the Amercian people build a better society. May the next generation learn from these leaders and get ready to lead us into the future.
President Kennedy and Senator Robert Kennedy set lofty goals for us -Ted Kennedy has tried to follow them and to lead this country forward.
Whether Senaator Hillary Clinton or Senator Barack Obama earns the nomination I hope we will see Senator Kennedy healthy enough to see the Democratic party win the election.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Democracy from a Floridian Perspective.

Well the weather here in Florida has calmed a bit. Coming home from a short vacation last week we were hit by what appeared to be 2 small Tornados that forced us tp pull over to side side on interstate 95. The rain and winds were sudden and strong and hailstones like marbles pelted us. All I could think of later was what was occurring across the midwest, giant versions of what just scared the hell out of my wife and I. Our very heartfelt condolences to those who suffered so much. We are used to this in Florida, it never gets easier.

Here is what is scary a week later. There are still Tornados beating up the midwest.
It seems that the DNC has decided that our votes in the Democratic (?) Party Primary, are worth 1/2 a vote each. I'm sorry, but if you thought the protestors today are an abberation, you are so wrong. We thought we had an election with the best two candidates available. We still can't get Florida right. On to the convention.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Burn on big lake, burn on!

Who would have thought after blogging about the Cyuhoga River catching fire due to pollution many years back, that Florida on Fire would include our Great Lake Okeechobee. The drought that has plagued our region has caused the lake water level to drop to record lows - the grass and weeds along the shore of the lake caught fire last night. It is supposed to begin to rain soon, probably too little too late. We'll wait and hope to survive Hurricance season. My late friend, Herb Saffir, PE, and I discussed global warming many times - he was convinced that our problems here in Florida were cyclical. He did not live long enough to see Greenland cracking off glaciers. (Herb Saffir develpoed the Saffir/Simpson Hurricane scale 1-5, and i told him that he saved many lives by giving people fair warning before major storms would hit. How much worse the world would have been without him. God bless and keep you safe my dear friend.

(For those of you unfamiliar with words such as Okeechobee, its an Indian word meaning - I don't know, maybe big lake - I'll check it out and get back). The Seminole and Micousoukee tribes are still here in Florida - luckily. We are the immigrants, unless you're of some Indian ancestry - all of us - my wifes family came here in 1624 and landed on the second ship in Plymouth, Mass. They helped found Salem, Mass. (No my wife is not a witch).
My daughter was just in Boston and told me that she saw Paul Revere's grave, I told her that she has 20 relatives buried by Mr. Revere, and John Hancok etc. I told her to always be fair and just with immigrants - legal, or illegal - she has always been color blind, racially tolerant - she's just does not tolerate stupidity, insensitivity, and cruelty. Maybe she'll be President some day. She always defends the underdog and tries to help them. I'm proud of her. She asked why we're building a wall between the US and Mexico. I just said stupidity! She knows there are illegal aliens taking advantage of benefits that they may not have earned yet. Her generation will be charged with solving these issues fairly and justly.

A note on Senator Edward M. Kennedy: I am very sorry to hear of his illness. He has been a great legislator, for the most part. Our best wishes to you during this tough fight ahead of you.
I do not agree with the Senator on his position on Senator Obama - at all. As a friend of mine has noted on her blog -(Thanks Penny Ronning), Senator Kennedy's state overwhelmingly chose Senator Clinton. Massachusetts has always voted for Senator Kennedy, he should return the favor - vote with his constituents. Support their choice. The party rules are arbitrary and undemocratic! She is the people's choice, if the party wants to win, request that every super delegate vote the way their constituents voted. If they are not elected officials, think carefully, who can win, and wait for the full popular vote.
The news just had Hillary on, and a local reporter actually said "she has been avoiding Florida", she has done fund raisers here in Florida several times, and was not allowed to campaign when she had the chance. Media bias in Palm Beach county, or just another example of unqualified people on the news. Believe it or not WPBF news had a longer segment on Pole Dancing for excercise, than on both Democratic candidates visiting Florida. Enough is enough.

My late step father, Dr. Irving Schulman would have been 100 today, he died of prostate cancer and bone cancer, back in 1989. I love you dad, thanks for tolerating me, and thanks for being great when I was ill after Viet Nam.
My mother Lillian passed away three years after him - being a feminist ahead of her time, she'd be very proud of Hillary Clinton, as she was to see Shirley Chisolm, and geraldine ferraro begin to breal the ice. Sexism is worse than racism in the USA.

Florida on Fire! Go Hillary!

It's a strange evening here in South Florida.
I was watching election results, (Go Hillary), and editing my blog, (watch the dyslexic moments, I'm tired tonight), while spending the week in Palm Beach Shores. We had a time share week to use so we stayed locally. A whole 30 or so miles north of our house in Coral Springs.
Well for those of you that read this some day...take note, Florida is on fire. Last week the Sawgrass Expressway, which goes around half of Coral Springs, (the whole Western side and Northern side of the city), caught on fire - smoke everywhere. Actually the median burned from one side of town to the other. The expressway is long, but it just burned around our city. So we're here in Palm Beach Gardens and since we arrived there is smoke in the air. Just north of us, there are brush fires. While I am entering this I just got the first weather warning of this type - FIRE WEATHER WATCH IS IN EFFECT - the winds, very low humidity, and high temperatures (96 today), high for Florida, are creating conditions perfect for fires to start. Well there's more smoke in the air. (Not as bad as California's fires, but the Everglades are on fire as well).
So whats my point. President Bush won't sign the Kyoto accords, and Florida burns. I know how the fires will go out. Greenland is cracking and HUGE glaciers are heading south, and Florida burns. The coast of Antarctica is melting. Rivers, lakes and water supplies around the country are drying up. Viva Las Vegas! Elvis send us down a lot of rain. The documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" warned us. Many of my friends thought Al Gore was crazy...well the state that made him President is on fire...(oh I forgot the Supreme Court decided we don't count and he's not President), and this should be the beginning of rainy season. This year the Democratic party decided we don't count. (Thanks Howard). I heard that Sen. Clinton and Sen. Obama are headed here tomorrow. wear face masks, the smoke is bad for you.
I remeber when Randy Newman sang about the Cyuhoga River in Ohio catching fire..."burn on big river, burn on". (Sheer genius).
There is a solution to the state burning...Edgar Cayce, (I believe), predicted that Florida would be flooded by 2012. Orlando will be beachfont property. This is a bit ahead of the schedule predicted in "An Inconvenient Truth", ... the price of a gallon of regular gas reached $3.89 today. Large food companies are repackaging foods, raising the price, and reducing the packaged weight. "Buy one, get one free" they ease you into the new pricing of the reduced sized packaging. Oil companies have earned record profits and say they need it to compete globally.
"Green, green, it's green they say on the far side of the hill..." GO GREEN now! Because it brown and black on the far side of Florida.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Florida Again

Today I have heard that the Democratic Party doesn't seem to be willing to settle the Florida/Michigan issue. And now that John Edwards, who I once campaigned for, for Vice President with some friends, has decided to support Senator Obama...we are wondering why the win by Senator Hillary Cliinton, a 40 point plus gap, has fallen off the news radar.
Kentucky, Puerto Rico, Montana, Oregon, Sout Dakota...if I missed any states other than Florida and Michigan, i'm sorry. What if Hillary wins these states? Senator Clinton fight on, old allies are falling by the wayside,... while Hillary keeps winning?
My fellow Democrats...wake up, this is the third time that Florida's disenfranchisement may lose the Democratic party another election. Hillary can win, Barack Obama has raised $250,000,000 and could not come close to Hillary in West Virginia, and lost Pennsylvania. History has told us this is a no win scenario for the general election. We're repeating history in Iraq by fighting in a civil war, as I fought in Viet Nam. We're angry at President Bush for not listeing to historys' lessons, and we're not listening to our own political history. Is this, just more of the same. Perhaps our two excellent candidates will work out a solution to win. My solution - simple, a Clinton / Obama ticket.

One other thing, I had respect for Gov. Huckabee, even though we disagreed on the issues, but today he sadly crossed a brutal line. Did we forget 1968. It's not a joke, I'm sure the NRA members had a great lauagh at this joke in very bad taste. Remember that President Reagan was shot as well, and a nut tried to kill President Ford. I just heard Gov. Huckabee has apologized, more care Mike, an offhand joke usually comes from a deeper sad place in our thoughts and soul.
I just had to add that I am disappointed that Sen. George McGovern has chosen to endorse Barack Obama. I love Sen. McGovern, he is a great American hero and icon, and did not lie to the country when it needed truth. Let's hope he's right if Sen. Obama wins the nomination.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Human rights in our "enligtened" era.

On this day I start my new blog. The title of the site is based on a book of poetry I started writing between 1966 and 1972. During that period of time I was in college, and the US Army. I was an Infantry officer. I returned from Viet Nam in 1970, and in 1972 worked on Sen. George McGovern's campaign for President to try to end the war.

I mention the above to simply show how little we have really changed in these 40 plus years. I grew up in the 1950's with a single mother, my father died when I was eight years old. She worked 6 days a week to take care of me and make sure we could keep our house. Underpaid, overworked, and doing jobs as an executive secretary where she actually did the work for the men she worked for. She was a natural leader. President of our "Family Circle", cousins club, and President of a charity she volunteered to work for after she married again.
Today women worldwide, in our enlightened age, are still underpaid, treated like property or worse in many nations. Still traded as slaves. Treated as second class citizens in countries that we pump our petro dollars into.
I am so proud of Sen. Hillary Clinton, fighting on, just as she fought hard for George McGovern in 1972. We were fighting an unpopular war then, and here we are repeating history again. Every vote must count. If our civil rights continue to be abridged, as the current Bush administration is doing, we are in deep trouble. Go to the end Hillary...the old boys club that Senator Obama said he was going to change, led to the disenfranchisement of the voters of Florida and Michigan. I will vote for Senator Oba a if he gets the nominaton, but he will need advisors to guide him - hopefully women. Maybe the Speaker of the House can give him some advice.
We shall see the time in the near future where women can earn a fair wage, become President of this country, and maybe follow in the steps of women that led Israel, Great Britain, Pakistan and other countries where women have made a difference, and given their lives for change.
Human rights - Capital Punishment, China and Tibet, Torture of Prisoners (even by the US),
Africa - so many horrors, and on, much more to discuss as we begin our journey to enlightenment.
God bless the women who have done so much to help me, Lillian Shack Schulman, nurses that spent so many extra hours with me over my hospital stays, and forced me to recover, - (talk about underpaid and overworked people), my many Aunts that I was advised by as a young boy, my wife who has been there for me always - my daughter, who I hope will benefit from the efforts of the women that came before her. My sister Alberta, and family in Canada. My mother Fran, and mother in law Dorothy, who are both fighting Alzheimer's disease.
And my friend Penny Ronning, who is single handedly trying to save the world, one blog at a time.

Lillian Part 2 - 1953 Life gets Scarier for Lil

1953- October (day to be added)
2:30 AM
I awaken to Harry calling for Lil in the bathroom next to my bedroom, across the hall from their bedroom -
"Lil, Lil help... he sounds ill and I go to the bathoom door and look into the small room to see Lil trying to help Harry as he's coughing up blood. That was the last night I saw my father alive, or at all. I have forgotten almost everything about Harry prior to that night. Lil made me go to my room, and she just did what she always did, she took control of the situation. These lessons in handling what life smacks in your face helped me, especially in the Army. Most of the time Lil was in control, but...I was sent to stay with my Uncle Jack and Aunt Sylvia Gordon, and cousin Robert Gordon and Sanrda Gordon, for about two weeks while Harry was in the hospital. Harry had a bleeding Ulcer and the operation wasn't handled well. Harry passed away at the age of 44, I was 8, and Lil was 42. Today this condition is almost simple to take care of without problems. I've been told by Harry's close friends that he was a gentle, soft spoken, intelligent and creative person. He made a crystal radio in half a walnut shell. He remodelled our house and did beautiful wood work on the porch, turned a walk in pantry into a comfortable breakfast nook area with custom made benches and furniture, the linoleum floor was hand cut and designed by him. I remember the green shamrock cut and fitted into the floor ceter. He worked for Bendix during WW II. The other memory I have of him is at Chrismas 1952(?), Harry put up a Christmas tree because I wanted one, and there was a train set under the tree, and I had a stocking with my name on it. Later in her life Lillian denied that that ever happened, after all we were Jewish, and I went to Hebrew School. Well, I still have the stocking that hung on our fireplace mantle. (Sorry mom).
In the Jewish religion when a person dies, you cover the mirrors in the house, have the family over to your house, and for a week, you sit "Shivah" (that's how it would sound in Hebrew). It's a sort of extended wake, but in this case the wife sits there and the family and friends come with food, the Rabbi comes over and spends time with the family. That was the weakest I ever saw my mother (other than her unhealthy periods). My first cousins spent time with me, my cousin Lee Walsky stands out in my memory because he brought me books to read and tried to cheer me up. I love books because Lee did this for me. He was an athelete and a great teacher, his sister Martha was another great influence on me. She was about 12 or so years older than me, and she always loved me so much (and I her - my big sister in a way)- very kind and thoughtful, she helped Lil, as did my godmother Aunt Katy's daughter Lil Kurshner Rosenberg. At this point all these people knew I was adopted, I did not know. They just loved me. My mothers sorority sisters were there and hovered over me to make sure I was OK. They all knew I was adopted. My "Aunt" Sonya Litwak, loved me so much, it is hard to express how much love these women showed me at this tough time. Both Cousin Martha Walsky, and "Aunt" Sonya said they wanted to marry me when I grew up. How do you thank people for that kind of love - you pay it forward in your life! Do unto the love. My mothers family was also very influential at that point, my mother helped start a cousins club with her relatives; and she helped run The Shack Family Circle with Harry's sisters and kept the family close until the mid 1960's.
Mom got a job and started work at the Jewish Community Center, six days a week many times. She was back at work after a long gap. I often went to work with her on weekends, or when I was out of school. I helped her at the office, learned to use the office equiptment. Lil also taught me to cook, clean, sew, and other skills, so I would be as self sufficient as possible. If anything happened I could face it like she did. She was not only a leader, manager, organizer, and teacher for me on so many things - she was the glue that kept the family together. She took control of Harry extended family for many years and kept us close for many years. She also kept the family in line politically, at family meetings while playng poker, she was a great card player, she would discuss politics and her ideas. She encouraged my interest in politics at a young age. She was also very tough, read Part 3 - please watch the times begin to change. You'll also meet Sally and Fluffy and 60 feet of Roses -"Mama Liked the Roses".

Lillian Part 3 -Roses, Puppy Dogs, and Fights.

1954-1959 Growing up fast.
Lillian adjusted to our new life and as always managed. At first if mom had to work long hours, I'd be shuffled out to a neighbors house for dinner, or at one of my friends houses to wait for her.
Hair salon
Silver's Bakery
The Smoke House
Bus to Newark
Sears records department i if you want records earn them
First records - Elvis, Old Shep, Rip it Up
Elvis - Jewish Bar Mitzvah and gospel music. Sing Boy Sing
Ed lHaupt loans me his guitar
Serious thought about being a Rabbi
Religion goes, Lil's reaction

Asbury Park, NJ - Part Time and Politics

A city to save. One of the places I lived from 1971-77. At the Empress Motel we had a state NJ Young Democrats Convention. The McGovern wing of the party fought the regular conservative Democrats. Great debates, great fun, great friends. I met my future wife Joan Gamberg, David Don (like a brother to Joan and I) ,and several close friends during this pivotal time. Taught part time as a substitute teacher in 1972 at Asbury Park High School. Too close to my return from Viet Nam to be patient enough to teach. Turned down offer at CBS TV with Walter Cronkite, low pay, 3 year Internship (should I have - Don't Look Back). We lived near the Inkwell, listen to "Subterranean Homesick Blues", Bob Dylan. Thanks Mr.Z. Oh and a hi to Madame marie, the psychic near my apartment, down the block on the boardwalk, (look into Bruce S.) Robert Gordon, Dave Edmunds, (Gary thanks for getting us on the bus to meet Dave).
Lived on First avenue 1 1/2 blocks from the beach. 10th Ave (Bruce) was not very far. Bruce put the band together, and played around the corner from my apartment. Lots of clubs, lots of bands, loved the music and the circle. Argued with the mayor about demolishing an Art deco theatre, The Mayfair, we lost that fight. Music, music, music was created.

Maukie - the virtual cat