Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Burn on big lake, burn on!

Who would have thought after blogging about the Cyuhoga River catching fire due to pollution many years back, that Florida on Fire would include our Great Lake Okeechobee. The drought that has plagued our region has caused the lake water level to drop to record lows - the grass and weeds along the shore of the lake caught fire last night. It is supposed to begin to rain soon, probably too little too late. We'll wait and hope to survive Hurricance season. My late friend, Herb Saffir, PE, and I discussed global warming many times - he was convinced that our problems here in Florida were cyclical. He did not live long enough to see Greenland cracking off glaciers. (Herb Saffir develpoed the Saffir/Simpson Hurricane scale 1-5, and i told him that he saved many lives by giving people fair warning before major storms would hit. How much worse the world would have been without him. God bless and keep you safe my dear friend.

(For those of you unfamiliar with words such as Okeechobee, its an Indian word meaning - I don't know, maybe big lake - I'll check it out and get back). The Seminole and Micousoukee tribes are still here in Florida - luckily. We are the immigrants, unless you're of some Indian ancestry - all of us - my wifes family came here in 1624 and landed on the second ship in Plymouth, Mass. They helped found Salem, Mass. (No my wife is not a witch).
My daughter was just in Boston and told me that she saw Paul Revere's grave, I told her that she has 20 relatives buried by Mr. Revere, and John Hancok etc. I told her to always be fair and just with immigrants - legal, or illegal - she has always been color blind, racially tolerant - she's just does not tolerate stupidity, insensitivity, and cruelty. Maybe she'll be President some day. She always defends the underdog and tries to help them. I'm proud of her. She asked why we're building a wall between the US and Mexico. I just said stupidity! She knows there are illegal aliens taking advantage of benefits that they may not have earned yet. Her generation will be charged with solving these issues fairly and justly.

A note on Senator Edward M. Kennedy: I am very sorry to hear of his illness. He has been a great legislator, for the most part. Our best wishes to you during this tough fight ahead of you.
I do not agree with the Senator on his position on Senator Obama - at all. As a friend of mine has noted on her blog -(Thanks Penny Ronning), Senator Kennedy's state overwhelmingly chose Senator Clinton. Massachusetts has always voted for Senator Kennedy, he should return the favor - vote with his constituents. Support their choice. The party rules are arbitrary and undemocratic! She is the people's choice, if the party wants to win, request that every super delegate vote the way their constituents voted. If they are not elected officials, think carefully, who can win, and wait for the full popular vote.
The news just had Hillary on, and a local reporter actually said "she has been avoiding Florida", she has done fund raisers here in Florida several times, and was not allowed to campaign when she had the chance. Media bias in Palm Beach county, or just another example of unqualified people on the news. Believe it or not WPBF news had a longer segment on Pole Dancing for excercise, than on both Democratic candidates visiting Florida. Enough is enough.

My late step father, Dr. Irving Schulman would have been 100 today, he died of prostate cancer and bone cancer, back in 1989. I love you dad, thanks for tolerating me, and thanks for being great when I was ill after Viet Nam.
My mother Lillian passed away three years after him - being a feminist ahead of her time, she'd be very proud of Hillary Clinton, as she was to see Shirley Chisolm, and geraldine ferraro begin to breal the ice. Sexism is worse than racism in the USA.

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Lillian Part 2 - 1953 Life gets Scarier for Lil

1953- October (day to be added)
2:30 AM
I awaken to Harry calling for Lil in the bathroom next to my bedroom, across the hall from their bedroom -
"Lil, Lil help... he sounds ill and I go to the bathoom door and look into the small room to see Lil trying to help Harry as he's coughing up blood. That was the last night I saw my father alive, or at all. I have forgotten almost everything about Harry prior to that night. Lil made me go to my room, and she just did what she always did, she took control of the situation. These lessons in handling what life smacks in your face helped me, especially in the Army. Most of the time Lil was in control, but...I was sent to stay with my Uncle Jack and Aunt Sylvia Gordon, and cousin Robert Gordon and Sanrda Gordon, for about two weeks while Harry was in the hospital. Harry had a bleeding Ulcer and the operation wasn't handled well. Harry passed away at the age of 44, I was 8, and Lil was 42. Today this condition is almost simple to take care of without problems. I've been told by Harry's close friends that he was a gentle, soft spoken, intelligent and creative person. He made a crystal radio in half a walnut shell. He remodelled our house and did beautiful wood work on the porch, turned a walk in pantry into a comfortable breakfast nook area with custom made benches and furniture, the linoleum floor was hand cut and designed by him. I remember the green shamrock cut and fitted into the floor ceter. He worked for Bendix during WW II. The other memory I have of him is at Chrismas 1952(?), Harry put up a Christmas tree because I wanted one, and there was a train set under the tree, and I had a stocking with my name on it. Later in her life Lillian denied that that ever happened, after all we were Jewish, and I went to Hebrew School. Well, I still have the stocking that hung on our fireplace mantle. (Sorry mom).
In the Jewish religion when a person dies, you cover the mirrors in the house, have the family over to your house, and for a week, you sit "Shivah" (that's how it would sound in Hebrew). It's a sort of extended wake, but in this case the wife sits there and the family and friends come with food, the Rabbi comes over and spends time with the family. That was the weakest I ever saw my mother (other than her unhealthy periods). My first cousins spent time with me, my cousin Lee Walsky stands out in my memory because he brought me books to read and tried to cheer me up. I love books because Lee did this for me. He was an athelete and a great teacher, his sister Martha was another great influence on me. She was about 12 or so years older than me, and she always loved me so much (and I her - my big sister in a way)- very kind and thoughtful, she helped Lil, as did my godmother Aunt Katy's daughter Lil Kurshner Rosenberg. At this point all these people knew I was adopted, I did not know. They just loved me. My mothers sorority sisters were there and hovered over me to make sure I was OK. They all knew I was adopted. My "Aunt" Sonya Litwak, loved me so much, it is hard to express how much love these women showed me at this tough time. Both Cousin Martha Walsky, and "Aunt" Sonya said they wanted to marry me when I grew up. How do you thank people for that kind of love - you pay it forward in your life! Do unto the love. My mothers family was also very influential at that point, my mother helped start a cousins club with her relatives; and she helped run The Shack Family Circle with Harry's sisters and kept the family close until the mid 1960's.
Mom got a job and started work at the Jewish Community Center, six days a week many times. She was back at work after a long gap. I often went to work with her on weekends, or when I was out of school. I helped her at the office, learned to use the office equiptment. Lil also taught me to cook, clean, sew, and other skills, so I would be as self sufficient as possible. If anything happened I could face it like she did. She was not only a leader, manager, organizer, and teacher for me on so many things - she was the glue that kept the family together. She took control of Harry extended family for many years and kept us close for many years. She also kept the family in line politically, at family meetings while playng poker, she was a great card player, she would discuss politics and her ideas. She encouraged my interest in politics at a young age. She was also very tough, read Part 3 - please watch the times begin to change. You'll also meet Sally and Fluffy and 60 feet of Roses -"Mama Liked the Roses".

Lillian Part 3 -Roses, Puppy Dogs, and Fights.

1954-1959 Growing up fast.
Lillian adjusted to our new life and as always managed. At first if mom had to work long hours, I'd be shuffled out to a neighbors house for dinner, or at one of my friends houses to wait for her.
Hair salon
Silver's Bakery
The Smoke House
Bus to Newark
Sears records department i if you want records earn them
First records - Elvis, Old Shep, Rip it Up
Elvis - Jewish Bar Mitzvah and gospel music. Sing Boy Sing
Ed lHaupt loans me his guitar
Serious thought about being a Rabbi
Religion goes, Lil's reaction

Asbury Park, NJ - Part Time and Politics

A city to save. One of the places I lived from 1971-77. At the Empress Motel we had a state NJ Young Democrats Convention. The McGovern wing of the party fought the regular conservative Democrats. Great debates, great fun, great friends. I met my future wife Joan Gamberg, David Don (like a brother to Joan and I) ,and several close friends during this pivotal time. Taught part time as a substitute teacher in 1972 at Asbury Park High School. Too close to my return from Viet Nam to be patient enough to teach. Turned down offer at CBS TV with Walter Cronkite, low pay, 3 year Internship (should I have - Don't Look Back). We lived near the Inkwell, listen to "Subterranean Homesick Blues", Bob Dylan. Thanks Mr.Z. Oh and a hi to Madame marie, the psychic near my apartment, down the block on the boardwalk, (look into Bruce S.) Robert Gordon, Dave Edmunds, (Gary thanks for getting us on the bus to meet Dave).
Lived on First avenue 1 1/2 blocks from the beach. 10th Ave (Bruce) was not very far. Bruce put the band together, and played around the corner from my apartment. Lots of clubs, lots of bands, loved the music and the circle. Argued with the mayor about demolishing an Art deco theatre, The Mayfair, we lost that fight. Music, music, music was created.

Maukie - the virtual cat